First we
need to make sure that we have installed required package on your system. Use
following command to install required packages before compiling GIT source.
#yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel
openssl-devel zlib-devel
#yum install gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
git source code from kernel
git or simply use following
command to download GIT (latest version)
Steps :1
#cd /usr/src
# tar –xzf git-2.0.4.tar.gz
After Downloading and extracting GIT
source code, Use following command to compile source code.
# cd git-2.0.4
# make prefix=/usr/local/git all
# make prefix=/usr/local/git install
# echo “export path=$path:/usr/local/git/bin” >>
# source /etc/bashrc
complete , You have successfully install GIT in your system , Let check the
version using the following command
# git –version
git version 2.0.4
GIT commands , such as git commit , required the user to write a short message
or make some changes in an external text editor. To determine which text editor
to start , GIT attempts to read the value of the GIT_EDITOR environment
variable , the VIM .editor configuration option , the VISUAL environment
variable, and finally the EDITOR environment variable in this particular order
. if none of these options and variables are specified , the GIT command starts
vim as a reasonable default option .
To change the value of the vim.editor
configuration option in order to specify a different text editor, type the
following as shell prompt:
# git config –global vim.editor command
Replace command with the command to be used
to start selected text editor
Example 1
To Configure git to use vim as the default
text editor , type the following at a shell
#git config –global vim.editor vim
In GIT, each commit (or
revision) is associated with the full name and email of the person responsible
for it , GIT uses an identify based on the user name and host name .
To change the full name
associated with the GIT commits, type the following at a shell prompt :
# git config –global “full name”
To change the email address associated with your GIT commits
config –global “email address”
Example 3:
To configure Git to use “Golden John” as your full
name and
as your email address, type the following at a shell prompt.
A repository is a place where GIT stores all files that are
under revision control, as well as additional data related to these files, such
as the complete history of changes or information about who made those changes
and when . Unlike in Centralized revision control systems like Subversion or
CVS , a GIT repository and a working directory are usually the same . A typical
GIT repository also only stores a single project and when publicly accessible,
it allows anyone to create its clone with a complete revision history .
To create a new empty GIT
repository, change to the directory in which you want to keep the repository
and type the following at a shell prompt
Step 1
Creating a new repository in the server
A bare repository need to be created in the
server and initialized
Initialize a new bare repository in the
server using the below command
user$ git init --bare project_name.git
Sample Output: "Initialized empty Git
repository in 'path to project'"
Step :2
Do a git clone of the
new repository and you will be initialized with a new
user$ git clone
gitserver@192.168.xx.xx:<path to project>/<project_name.git>
user$ cd project_name.git
Copy the files to be added to git
user$ git status
Sample Output : The output of the git status command after
copying the files
to the "project_name.git"
The un-tracked
files will be shown in RED
“On branch master
Initial commit
Untracked files:
(use "git
add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
Nothing added to
commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)"
git add .
git commit –m “Initial Repository for windows8 Connection Manager
Listing your tags and creating
the tag creation on below comments
User$ git tag -l
You need to go the repository
path which is developers required repository
and enter and create the tag on below command,
User$ git tag –a v1.2 9fceb2
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